Unmasking Manager Burnout—and What You Can Do About It Today!
If you think your managers aren’t looking for another job, you may want to think again. Employee engagement research uncovers some brutal facts around their growing habits around, you guessed it, job searching.
The reasons behind it? They’re burned out, and feel like the organization doesn’t care about them. They are experiencing a confluence of stressors, most notably, being tasked with more and more responsibilities, with fewer dollars and people to do them. It’s a burden they don’t want to bear… hence, the job search.
Which brings at least one important word into this conversation: efficiency. If managers are to do their jobs and remain loyal to your organization, they need to feel like they can operate and perform with top-notch efficiencies—ways to save time, money and the resilience of every team member they lead.
But here’s the thing. Building efficiencies isn’t something you can snap your fingers and do. Choose the wrong approach, and the consequences can put a toll on performance, productivity, the bottom line, and organizational morale. This, of course, only exacerbates the issues your managers may be facing, furthering their desire to find greener professional pastures.
The right efficiencies can be provided in at least two ways—first, through professional development and coaching that gives your managers the soft and hard skills to perform more effectively with the resources they’re given, all the while bettering their engagement around their role. And second, through an accountability system that enables your organization to align around vital goals and execute against those goals with clockwork precision.
At MAP, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing since 1960, having since accelerated sustainable growth and success for more than 15K companies and 170K leaders nationwide. But don’t just take our word for it. Hear the true stories of many of our clients who’ve experienced breakthrough results by taking proactive steps to boost efficiencies in the good times and bad.
Learn more about avoiding manager burnout, building the loyalty of your teams through professional development, and boosting the odds of total success through a proven accountability approach, The MAP Management System™. Contact Us today!