The Keys to Successful Networking in the 21st Century [Webinar]

LinkedIn is a powerful tool, but many people don’t know how to use it. Unless you have a strategy and understanding of the power of LinkedIn, you will probably end up wasting your time.

With over 150 million users, your competitors may already be on there, so if your company has not leveraged LinkedIn, there’s simply no reason not to get started.In this webinar you will learn:

  • The 3 critical success factors to LinkedIn success
  • The 2 currencies that you need to accumulate to be successful
  • Why you would rather be a spider than a cheetah
  • How to eliminate cold calls and door to door visits
  • The power of 501

[ultimate_spacer height=”5″]*Must have Windows Media 9 or higher to view the recorded webinar.[dt_default_button link=”|title:Watch%20Now|target:_blank” size=”medium” btn_width=”btn_fixed_width” custom_btn_width=”178″ button_alignment=”btn_left” el_class=”custom-button” icon_size=”14px” border_width=”3px” border_radius=”5px” text_color=”#cb1b33″ icon_type=”picker” icon_picker=”fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right” icon_gap=”15px” icon_align=”right”]Watch Now[/dt_default_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]About the Speaker:RICK ITZKOWICH, “The LinkedIn Guy” is a genuine people connector. He bridges the two worlds of face-to-face networking and online networking. As a successful entrepreneur, Rick creates turnkey products that meet today’s demand for tools to increase your business. He serves as a subject-matter LinkedIn expert resource for both online and offline marketing communications. As a sought-after speaker, Rick presents to a diverse group of sales, networking and professional organizations.

By Michael Caito |