Ready to Improve Your Leadership Accountability? Then ACT.
It’s the beginning of a new year, an ideal time for you, as a leader, to make a fresh start on how you lead yourself, specifically, against the backdrop of accountability.
Why accountability? Because practicing, executing and living out your leadership without accountability is like steering a ship without a rudder. And in this case, you’re not just steering any ship without a rudder—that ship happens to be you!
If you’re ready to become a truly disciplined leader through effective, results-oriented accountability leadership, then take action now. How? Think: ACT, as in: Assess your leadership accountability, Commit to do better, and Tackle the tough stuff.
Assess your leadership accountability. You might think your leadership is on course, missing the mark, or somewhere in between. But to really know how you’re doing requires getting to know your leadership truth, as wonderful or not so wonderful as it may be. At MAP, our leadership development workshops do that work for you by reaching out to those you lead (or have led or worked with in the past) and uncovering your authentic strengths and weaknesses. We also use proven leadership assessment tools to bring even more clarity around where you’re at—and where you need to go. It’s really tough to understand and develop potential if you’re clueless about your leadership accountability, or how well you’re holding yourself accountable for results-driven leadership. So take assessment seriously if you haven’t already. Or consider getting a new assessment if you haven’t done one lately as leadership excellence is an ever-evolving practice.
Commit to do better. From your assessment and/or other efforts around leadership self-discovery, you’ll learn what you need to do. But it’s committing to positive change that will take your leadership accountability to the next level. Commitment requires discipline—consistent mental, emotional and physical engagement that’s balanced and ever-focused on your goals. It demands creating a written business plan around your professional development and accountability goals, taking action around those goals, and then putting in the right controls with a proven accountability system to measure and ensure their success.
Tackle the tough stuff. Every leader faces rough waters, as well as their own personal weaknesses or fears that can rear up and sabotage productivity, progress and success. But accountability leadership means not shying away from what’s rough and tough. In fact, disciplined, accountable leadership can actually thrive off learning hard lessons, avoiding procrastination, and harnessing courage and creativity to problem solve. In the end, a key indicator to your accountability leadership acumen will be your ability to tackle the tough stuff not if, but when, it arises.
Ready to take your leadership accountability to the next level? Engage MAP for executive coaching and workshops that deliver break-through results. Contact Us today!