One Thing Your Business Plan Needs—and May Be Missing!

With the new year right around the corner, we at MAP have got a question for you: How’s that business plan shaping up? And, more importantly, have you factored professional development for your employees into that plan?

If not, consider recent headlines from Gallup on the topic of “quiet firing.” In short, quiet firing “describes how managers fail to adequately provide coaching, support and career development to an employee, which results in pushing the employee out of an organization.” More than just headlines, quiet firing is an alarming trend, according to Gallup’s research surveying employees worldwide:

  • Globally, only 1 in 3 employees strongly agree that someone has talked to them about their progress in the past six months.
  • Only 22% of employees strongly agree that their manager continually helps them clarify work priorities, whereas nearly twice as many managers (43%) believe that they are actively helping employees set priorities.
  • Only 37% of managers strongly agree that they invest in their employees’ development, and even fewer employees (25%) strongly agree that their manager invests in their professional development.

Given all this, review your current business plan, assessing what efforts your organization will take to invest in your employees’ professional development. How will this year be the year that employees feel heard? Supported? Empowered? Valued? Here’s some direction to consider:

  1. Set your goal. It’s interesting that the Gallup research shows disconnect between how much managers are investing in employees versus how much employees feel their managers are investing in them. Do the homework to determine how your employees feel about your investment in them and build a reasonable goal around that. Have conversations. Survey your staff. Determine where they’re at in their professional development “wellness,” what they hope to change, and what your organization can provide to help them hit their own goals.
  2. Build in support. Stating you’re investing in your employees is one thing, doing it’s another. And that’s where many managers hit a wall, realizing they lack the time, talent, funding and other resources to execute against professional development goals. That’s when leaning on an executive coach and professional development expert comes into play. At MAP, we use tools like a comprehensive 360-degree analysis that helps grow employee self-awareness and identify potential growth areas. Following that up with a professional development plan, supported through our customized coaching and accountability system, gives employees a personalized, empowered path forward.
  3. Use the plan. Sounds obvious, but plans don’t work if employees don’t use them. So during regular check-ins, lean on these plans as an accountability tool, measuring and reviewing progress, taking any necessary corrective action, and coaching as needed. Then, celebrate professional development wins through rewards and recognition that really resonate with your staff—all this and more can minimize the odds they feel you’re quietly firing them.

Drive professional development results with a system that works! Contact MAP today.

By Michael Caito |