No Motivation? Three Steps to Get Back on Track.
Are you constantly trying to find your motivation at work? Whether it’s rapid changes in the business world, pushing forward on a new project, or coming back to work from a holiday break, it can be hard to jump up and get moving. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Lots of people struggle with motivation!No matter what the reason, here’s the best advice we have: Stop making excuses, grab your mug, and just start moving! The only way to motivate yourself, your company, or the people you lead is to simply get back up and do it. Start making steps (even small ones) toward goals, and track your work so that you can see how much you’ve completed. Trust us. If you get moving, you’ll get motivated.
But how to start?
1. Motivate yourself to motivate others.
If something is in your way, even if it’s a personal roadblock, commit to dealing with the issue. Get a pencil and paper and write down your goal, then break that down into small, easily completable parts. Create a plan, give yourself goals and a timeline, and then chip away at those benchmarks one by one. Taking action will help you build momentum, minute by minute, day by day, and week by week. That generates traction, and makes it easier and easier to do more. 2. Get your team psyched up!
Let your leadership team and other key players know where you’ve set your goals, and how you plan to achieve them. Explain why these goals are important, how they fit into the master plan, and why they matter. Inspiring people doesn’t have to take hours. As long as you’ve got the right people, a few minutes of face-time will do the trick. Recognize a success, listen to a challenge, or share a story that helps your team learn, be encouraged, and look forward to their part in completing company goals. Just a tiny bit of your time can make team members focused, engaged, and energized.3. Build motivational buzz organization-wide.
People in your company might be tired, emotionally exhausted. They may also be skeptical about what’s possible to achieve. You’ve got to be their number one motivator and key cheerleader — but keep in mind, as spirited as you may be, you can’t do everything alone. You’ve got lots of other leadership responsibilities to focus on, too. BE sure to delegate the job of motivating throughout your entire organization, and encourage other leaders to lead energetically, regardless of your organizational structure. Keep reminding those leaders that company motivation is dependent on the energy they put into it, and help them find the time and resources to do it right. What are you doing to stick to your goals?