Ben Rasberry
For the past 25 years, Rasberry has been a senior management consultant at Management Action Programs (MAP), utilizing his varied skills in strategic general management and executive coaching, leadership team development, sales management, strategic alliances and partnering strategies for growth, He specializes in small and medium-sized companies. His clients include: Pro, American Heart Association, BKGG Law Partners, California Sheet Metal Works, Inc., Citrus Valley Medical Group, Connecticut DOT – CTfastrak, Film Independent, First American Corporation, Fluidmaster, Hope Engineering, IRP, Matt Construction, Michael Baker Jr., Engineers,, United Way of Greater Los Angeles and USI Insurance.
Rasberry has a broad scope of business and leadership experience across a wide variety of industries over the past 40 years. He has consulted and coached executives and managers in business sectors including telecommunications, entertainment, education, insurance, government, non-profit, healthcare and high technology start-up companies.
Rasberry served as a top executive in the sales and marketing department at IBM for 10 years. He then spent 13 years with AT&T’s Computer Group as Vice President and General Manager of the Western Division. As a well-known advocate of a diverse workforce and supporter of women receiving equal pay and perks at AT&T, Rasberry was also tasked with creating innovative programs that would guide AT&T’s executives in implementing corporate diversity initiatives. In that role, Rasberry was the architect of many of the original programs that increased diversity at AT&T.
Rasberry is also no stranger to the entertainment industry and he has guided various executives at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and independent film organizations in identifying needed changes for diversity inclusion programs, in addition to addressing their efficacy in management approaches and styles.
Rasberry received an MBA from the University of Chicago, a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Bradley University, and a Masters in Advanced Management from Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management, Claremont University. He is also a graduate of executive programs at MIT and Harvard. He is also a Fellow of the Leadership Greater Chicago Program. Ben is an assistant teacher in the West Angeles Overcomers Sunday School Class and currently serves as a member of the God’s Kids Board, an organization that assists orphans primarily in African countries.