Learn From Your Victories
Learning from our mistakes is an important lesson we get in both life and business. But what about learning from our victories? Oftentimes, our success gets taken for granted — but it shouldn’t. So whenever success happens, take inventory of what you did right to contribute to the outcome. Recognize your talents, gifts and hard-earned skills, and how they played a part in your success. Apply this learning to future challenges, and you’ll create more wins.
Also remember…
Don’t assume your success just happened. Unless you’re super lucky, it’s simply unlikely. Success results for good reasons, and when you start to explore the who, what, where, when and why of an achievement, you’ll most likely see that it wasn’t just a matter of pure luck. More likely, it was created out of hard work, the right approach and the best people, including you. (Embrace it!) Making a concerted effort to recognize what did work, you’ll now be able to apply that lesson for creating more future success. You’ll also be able to save yourself potential time, energy and other resources by not reinventing the wheel every time you start something new. You’ll have greater, more founded understanding of what works and what doesn’t — possibly a perfect formula for success that can be applied in the future.Avoid focusing only on mistakes. What I’ve noticed is that people really are their worst critics. Eager to dwell on their shortcomings or failures, they overlook seeing all that’s good and right. Why? Maybe it’s how so many of us are raised or perhaps from some messed-up message society imposes on us every day. But constantly focusing on mistakes does no one any good. It’s a time-waster that affects our emotions, self-esteem and productivity. Research shows that one of the best ways to motivate someone is through recognition. Isn’t it time you recognize yourself?
Develop a positive outlook. This is a mindset thing, which only YOU can adopt, manage and control. And when you do, it will shape your decisions, behaviors and actions for the better. The positive will attract the positive, generating success, garnering respect from others, and boosting your self-confidence. And then the positive outlook becomes a self-propelling cycle — when you’re self-confident, good things tend to happen and success of all types and sizes usually result. And don’t forget, even small successes count toward something. Over time, you can win big by paying attention to lots of small victories. The result? Life and business-changing results for the better!
What keeps you from recognizing your victories?