Why Don’t My Employees Know What’s Important?

How does a busy business leader keep their front-line in the loop about large-scale company goals? And why should they? What benefit does that bring the company?

The answer is: a lot.It’s critical that people on the front line know and understand how their work impacts the strategy of the company. When they do, they’re more fully engaged, and better able to support that strategy in their everyday tasks. People want a “why.” They want to know that what they’re doing really matters. They need to know that their work impacts the overall plan for the company, and makes the company grow. When people don’t know what’s important, they don’t know how to live up to those vital goals.

Remember these three rules:

  • The company must have a clear strategy.
  • Individual contributors (and managers) need to understand their accountability.
  • The CEO has to tie those things together through communication.

When a front-line employee has a conversation with a customer, they should know what the customer values and needs. They more they know, the better decision they can make, and the better they do at supporting the company. In order for them to do that, their company has to regularly talk about its strategy, and how they are achieving those goals.

What are you doing today to keep your front-line informed? How can you establish clearer channels of communication to keep everyone moving forward together?

By Michael Caito |
Categories: Employee Engagement