Break Old Habits. Make These Three Commitments in 2018.

If you’re like many leaders, you may already be struggling to keep your New Year’s resolutions. We get it. Stuff happens. Sometimes it feels impossible to get ahead or remain focused on goals, in part because, as science tell us, old habits die-hard. That’s because habits drive much of what we think and do. If you want to achieve your goals in 2018, then you need to form alternative habits that support them. Develop the right mindset to overcome avoidance and other obstacles in your way, and commit to activities that will get you closer to your goals. Real change requires 100% commitment.

Here are three tips to get you started:

1. Commit To Courage
Many leaders have fear, particularly when it comes to setting significant new goals or creating critical changes. But know that great leaders learn to face fears in spite of worries, doubts, uncertainties or risk. So if you’re staring at a change that feels particularly complex or overwhelming, call upon your courage and then try taking it slow. Break the challenge down into smaller steps or develop a detailed roadmap that will eventually get you where you want to go.Also, don’t be afraid to lean on others. Seek out dependable people to help you navigate the way or perform certain roles and responsibilities that will help. And, finally, don’t fear setbacks. We all fail. Lessons learned go hand-in-hand with real, sustainable success.

2. Commit To Trying Something Different
What happens when you try something new? First, you relinquish control and cast yourself outside your comfort zone. Second, you learn fresh, unique ways to think, do or simply be—and using what you learn will often get you different results over time.

As you test out new ways, you’ll also discover what works and what doesn’t relative to your goals. At some point, you’ll find more innovative or effective ways to reach your objectives, and you won’t just make progress but build confidence along the way—and don’t dismiss this for folly. This confidence is key. The more you get, the more fearless you’ll be—it just grows and grows and grows. Over time, what happens? That confidence becomes critical in reinforcing, driving and sustaining goal achievement, no matter what it may be.

3. Commit With The Right People
The people you work with every day can also become part of your comfort zone…and sometimes these team members hold us back. They don’t inspire us. They don’t believe in us. They don’t like change or hold us accountable to it.

So make a point to surround yourself with the right people. This may mean letting go of the “wrong” team members and “hiring” the right ones. You may also have to think hard about colleagues or other leaders you hang around with outside the office. Do these professionals bring value to your vision, purpose and goals? Do they support your ideas about change? For example, if you talk with them about adopting new habits, taking risks, or trying something different, do they encourage and believe in you? If not, rethink these professional peers. This year, commit to being more proactive about surrounding yourself with those who empower you and your leadership goals.

What is one thing you’re doing this year to push your comfort zone?​

By Michael Caito |