Lost Your Leadership Way? Here’s How to Find Your Path Back
There’s not a single leader out there in the world who hasn’t struggled at times. At some point or another, many CEOs and company managers find themselves questioning their path. Doubting their ability to lead others effectively. Or experiencing burn-out, maybe because they’ve lost their drive, feel overwhelmed by the unique struggles entrepreneurs commonly face, or have failed to maintain that vital work-life balance.
You may be one of those leaders. In fact, you may be that leader right now, at this very moment in time.
If so, you aren’t alone. Global leadership research, completed in 2021 and surveying over 15,000 leaders, 2,100 HR professionals and 1,700 organizations, shows 60% of today’s leaders are completely spent at the end of every workday. Of those leaders, 44% were planning a work exit or career change in the near future.
But let’s talk about you. What if a major change or dramatic exit isn’t the ideal answer for your life—at least right now? What if the answer could lie in simply committing (or recommitting) to what is proven to work, like the MAP Management System™, which builds leadership effectiveness through executive coaching, helping you to really focus and stay the course?
Over the years, we’ve had a ton of client success stories. And truth is, some of the best are those in which a client or leader has struggled to commit initially, then found their way to MAP—or back to MAP—then truly engaged in the process, experiencing not just profound success but a more purposeful, productive professional and personal life. Just like anything worth doing, sometimes you have to learn the hard way, deviating from what works before you get back on the path, which puts you right on track.
If you’re looking for that inspiration to commit and want some proof that MAP really does work, we invite you to check out our video testimonials—real turnaround stories from people like Rick McPheeters, CEO of Alta Construction. Or Corey Oliver, President of Travel Guitars. And even Michael Caito, MAP’s president who got his first exposure to MAP as the former CEO of Restaurants on the Run. These and dozens of other MAP leadership stories testify to exactly what happens when you get yourself on that powerful, positive path and truly stay the course.
What are you waiting for? Take charge of your leadership path, building the focus and accountability that will drive sustainable success!
Visit MAP Consulting today to explore and sign up for this year’s programs and workshops. Not sure where to start? Get in touch, and we’ll help you choose what’s right for you!